One interesting area worth exploring here is recursive queries which are supported by most of the major databases (for about 10+ years now). For example, here is a query that will give you the full list of topics along with their paths for arbitrarily deep nesting (not just 3 as in the example you've taken):

WITH RECURSIVE rec(id, name, parent_id) AS

(SELECT id, name, 1 as level, name AS path

FROM topics

WHERE parent_id IS NULL


SELECT t.id, t.name,

r.level + 1 AS level,

r.path || ' > ' || t.name AS path

FROM topics t, rec r

WHERE t.parent_id = rec.id



I've also computed the "level" here, which you can use to constrain the results to be just the first 3 levels, if necessary.

Similar recursive queries can be written for all the examples you've provided.

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